Monday 10 March 2014

"On The Street Where You Live" Cabaret in the House, Jon Robyns - Lauderdale House, London 16.02.2014

So Yes as you are all aware that I love the west end performer Jon Robyns, who seems to be a regular on my blog, whether I am talking about him or a photo of me with him!

But what can I say this man is an amazing actor, and his voice I will never get bored of! So of course when an opportunity arrived to go and see Jon Robyns perform a solo mini concert at the Lauderdale House in Highgate London, my bank account was £13 cheaper! It was really worth it!

This Cabaret in the House is a series of performances/concerts performed by many of the west end stage, and showing weekely for 6 weeks, with each performer singing various songs, from musicals or films to an audience. Jon was supported by a female west end actress named Annie Kirkman, who really got the audience going, she performed brilliant numbers from many musicals that I had never heard of, but the way she sung them made me intrigued to know more about them, especially one song, which annoyingly I cannot remember but it was based on a woman who fell in love with a man, who always told her that he would be with her through and through, the song goes on to say about there relationship, and when they got engaged, and married, and then on there first year anniversary, her husband went to work for a few hours, and when she went to get some bread she heard on the radio a terrible event that had happened and when she returned home she heard her voicemail of the last time she would hear his voice. Now I am not going to lie but I had to try and stop myself from crying and was totally choaked up with this song, in the end it was happy though because the girl goes on to find a new man, and although she is anxious she hears her husband say its ok, and in doing so she is happy, and knows that even though she will move on, he would still be there and with her.
she was a brilliant warm up for Jon, and I hope to see her one time performing on the West End!

After a few minute break, it was time for Jon to come out, myself and my friend were positioned front row of the small concert, which was great because when Jon included the audience it would either be me or my friend he was singing to at times!

Jon chose some songs that he sings which are on his solo album "Open Book" available on ITunes, and on his website its an amazing listen, and to hear the songs Il Mondo era Vuoto, On the Street Where You Live, and You'll Never Walk Alone live now makes the album a bit second class, but I still enjoy listening to it! that's for sure.

Not only did Jon sing the classics, but he also brought in some up to date songs, and got his guitar out to perform Say it to Me Now from the musical Once, which is one of my favourite musicals (and ironically had watched it on valentines day with my other half) because of the music from it, and yes Jon needs to be Guy in the stage production, so yes I did a cheeky record cause to have his version to listen to, was something I couldn't bypass. It was also great to hear Jon playing the guitar again having seen him play it in Dicken's Abridged and how good he was, it was nice to know that he wanted to continue to play, and we also got to hear again a song from Dicken's Abridged which was one of my favourites called "Its a Far Far Better Thing " so yes again I had to have a cheeky record cause annoyingly they did not do a soundtrack for that show, so I had to have something from it! Along on the guitar, Jon performed a song which he had written for his Daughter, which was beautiful and very sweet, and you could tell he was a lovely dad!

After his set with his guitar had finished Jon turned his back to put it down, to which the piano started, and Jon on cue, turned to begin an amazing reprise of Rod from Avenue Q (The character Jon had originated for the original London Cast) I Wish You Could Meet My Girlfriend...well this set those that know the song, and Jon in hysterics throughout, and were loving every moment. though as this was a small concert there were some faces that were unaware of this particular song, and did not entirely know what it was about, and to those who don't, well then the last line of this one of an explicit one...and during this performance myself and my friend were sat next to two elderly ladies, you can kind of tell where im going with this...I did think to myself no he might not say the line for this, and then BAM "and I can't wait to eat her P**** again" came out of Jon's mouth, I could not look at the couple, but was giggling in my hands! It was one of the highlights to say the least, and to hear him sing Avenue Q again was great, and gave me more excitement for again I would be seeing him perform with the puppets once again in two weeks time...but that's another blog!

After the embarrassment had passed, Jon's closing numbers were again influenced by his daughter and his love for Disney, with the first number being A Friend Like Me from Aladdin, in which a lot of audience involvement was given, including some tasty snacks, he then sang an amazing rendition of So Close from the film Enchanted one of his daughter and mine favourite films, I couldn't help but mouth the words which I could defiantly tell Jon noticed! He said his thanks during the end of this song, but that wasn't the end, for his finale, and encore was none other than another personal favourite of mine but Out There from Hunchback of Notre Dame and again I was mouthing all the words which entertained Jon!

It was great to see Jon perform some amazing songs, but this time as himself not as someone playing a character, and loved how much you could tell he was loving what he was doing! When the show had ended Jon kindly stood and chatted with those who were fans, and it meant that me and my friends and had made some new friends as well as new followers on Twitter. Its great to have a performer who really enjoys talking to us, and isn't bothered to give advice which he has done on a few occasions now, and have a laugh.  it made me laugh when the man came up to us all and asked if we were interested in buying the album to which we all replied Already got it!

As I said earlier I did get the chance to see Jon perform again 2 weeks after this small concert, and at the moment there is no sign of when he is returning to the stage performing in a musical, but im sure he will announce it on twitter when he is, or if he is involved in anything, cause I don't think I will get bored of seeing him, which i'm sure he is getting of seeing me, and im sure that i will be buying tickets to whatever he is in! I still think he should try for Guy in Once cause he would be brilliant. for those who want to get a glimpse of what I watched then watch his recent the end are small clips from this particular show!! Amazing!

"For The First Time in My Life...I Feel Good" The Light Princess- The National Theatre, London 28.01.14

After weeks of waiting...ok maybe just 2 weeks, I was going home to London for my first theatre trip of 2014! After a long day at work, and the kindness of my manager I was able to catch the train early and off I went to the big city.  Tonight viewing and the opening of my many hopeful trips was to be viewed at The National Theatre, which was my first time experiencing this arena, having been unaware that it was actually made up of 3 stages, tonight's performance was held in the Lyttelton theatre, and if I'm not mistaken is the medium one of the three? It felt like I was walking back into the Barbican, when I first arrived if I do say so myself.  What I liked most about this theatre was the price of the tickets were not too extreme, and booking seats to go and see the performance was very easy, as with the assistance of the "view from the seat" which meant that people had placed a photo of their view of the stage so you were able to see which place was best for the value of the ticket you wanted to use. Myself booked tickets for both me and my friend Alanna in the Circle of the Lyttelton in Row E seats 20 and 21, which made us dead centre to the stage, for the price of £34 the view was brilliant, and for the show itself I felt that the higher the view the better you would enjoy the effects of the performance, so my money did not go to waste! However being not such a big theatre, and with a quite simplistic modernise interior, unlike those of the old, historic theatres that we have on the west end, I felt that anywhere you sat in the circle your view would not be restricted in anyway shape or form.  Below is a photo of the curtain before the performance started.  the portrait on is a non zoomed in version, the Landscape I zoomed in a little to try and get a more detailed view of the map.

I was really excited about viewing this performance, having seen past productions from the National Theatre, 'War Horse' and 'Curious Incident...' I had my high standards up because both of those were amazing, and I was really looking forward to seeing what they can do with a musical!
Boy did they deliver "The Light Princess" Book and Lyrics by Samuel Adamson, and Music and Lyrics by Tori Amos, is a fairytale like no other.  The tale of two kingdoms, parted by a dark wildernest.  The city of Gold Lagobel, which was rich, but without the presence of H2O, was ruled by a king and queen, who were happy in their kingdom with there son and daughter, though a the queen grew ill, and sadly past.  The kingdom which had no water, was finding that the tears of the kingdom would create the rivers, the King (King Darius) and son were left devastated, but the daughter Althea didn't wish to cry, instead she wanted to be close to her mother, and therefore lost her sense of gravity, allowing her to float up into the sky, The kingdom saw this as witchcraft, and did not approve of Althea's approach and floating in the sky, King Darius embarrassed by his daughter, placed her in the tallest tower of Lagobel castle, to remain their with an Orphan Piper, and hide away from the public eye, Althea did not care, for she was happy to be kept away from the kingdom and had no interest in ruling leaving it all to her brother.
On the other side of the forest was the city of Sealand, whom craved the riches of Lagobel, but was also as the name states surrounded by water. This city too was also ruled by a king (King Ignacio) and queen, with their two sons. One day while sailing the river the queen, was pushed/fell into the river and died.  The King Ignacio, who driven by the need of the gold from Lagobel did not grieve, along with his son Liewelyn, but Digby his other son, cried, and never smiled, the only friend he had was a falconer who gave him his best friend a falcon named Zephyrus, who he tamed, and cared for.
The envy of Lagobel drove King Iganacio wild and led his army to fight, with Lagobel still morning for their queen their weakness showed, and so led to the assassination of the prince, and Lagobel with only one heir.  King Darius informs Althea that she is to be queen, and forcing her down with the heaviness of the crown, and jewels in hope that she will stay down to the ground, and help lead their kingdom to battle with Sealand. However Althea has other plans, and runs away to the wilderness with Piper, on their journey to the wilderness they see their army waling into battle, further they battle with the dragons that haunt the wilderness, but then they discover the lake, the lake that could save Lagobel with a source of water. Althea claims she will keep the lake a secret, but is interrupted when Zephyrus takes her ribbon which keeps her down and flys her towards Digby and his soldiers.  Their meeting however its not what one would expect.
Digby amazed by what he is seeing of Althea, (who is prepared to fight by any means) becomes enlightened by her, and for the first time smiles, and by the seems of things falls for her, with Althea close behind.  The two end of a kiss before the two army's collide and fight, pulling away the couple.
The two are driven by the love that they have for each other, Althea who finds out that she is happy, though her Father unhappy of her disappearing decides to pull out all stops in trying to weight down her daughter, calling in so called experts in their prediction of the diagnosis, which leads her to been given drugs, and forced to eat, it isn't till one gentlemen predicts it is love that would bring her down, that King Darius then goes mad, and arranges for her daughter to marry him, and with doing so, decides to weigh her down, by chaining her legs with gold.  Piper horrified with what the King has done, helps Althea escape back into the wilderness, who walks to the lake, and throws herself into it, where she stays.
On the other side on Sealand Digby longs to see Althea again for with her he feels happiness, while the army is leading to war, he ponders for his love and his kingdom, and in the end follows his heart, and with the help of Zephyrus finds Althea in the lake, and dives in after her. They are together at last.
The second act begins with both Althea and Digby, in love it would seem, and enjoying there time in there new place they call "Amphibiava." It all seems so perfect, until Digby suggests they create a home, live outside the lake, and create a family where Althea can be a mother and care. Althea distraught by the idea, fights against Digby, who confirms to him that she will never be tied down! Digby angry leaves the lake in time to meet this brother and the Falconer, who was sent by his father to collect him, and kill Althea, Digby still having heart for Althea who is hiding under the current of the Lake tells the Falconer and his brother that she is dead, and return back to his country.
Althea rises from the water, angry yet distraught from what she has witness and what has happened with Digby, but declares she will remain in her Amphibiava...until, Althea notices that the lake is going, and the water is disappearing, the sea life and creatures and plant life dying, she then realises that Digby has told her father about the lake, and doing so the King has produced a dam to stop the water to following to the lake.
Althea grows ill and weak from the water gone, and is found by the army of her kingdom. she is unwell, and this then turns her father to realise what he has done with the help of Piper knocking some sense into him realising that it is because of him that Althea is in this state, and that he has driven her to run away. the King Collapse and bides to stay with Althea until she is well, the doctor confirms that she needs water, if not then they will both die. For Althea is now with child.

Back in Sealand, Digby is being force by his father to again sent war on Lagobel, but also forcing Digby to wed his cousin, the wedding is getting set, but not until Zephyrus brings a letter to Digby's brother informing him of Althea illness and that she is with child. Before the ceremony begins his brother confides in him, informing him of his letter, and what is happening. Digby though torn at first, chooses the correct way, and runs from the ceremony, Althea needs water and that he will get, by knocking down the Dam and letting the water flow to the lake.
Digby success comes at a cost, as the fighting with his father and knocking the Dam leads to him getting shock. Althea now awake from the water that was provided by the lake that the Falconer took when she collected Digby, finds that Digby has knocked the Dam down but also that he has been shot, and is non responsive. she realises how much she care for him and for the first time she cries, and as she cries her H2O she falls to the ground, and at last has gravity. Digby awaits, and finds Althea beside him on the ground, they embrace and find that the Digby's father has died, making Digby king, whom wishes to marry Althea and raise there child with both countries living and working together. Ending the story on a fairytale happy ending.

The story itself has influence from many stories that one could notice in this production. Some for instance the love that should not be between Digby and Althea, very much like the love that should not be between Romeo and Juliet, there is also influence with King Iganacio death, with the blinding of the birds, which can also be seen in King Lear, but also in Cinderella when the birds blind the sisters.
Fairytales completely influence this story and regularly pop up, such as Snow white is requested to be told when Althea is in the tower, but you can also see the connection the Althea has with Peter Pans tale, that she herself would like to fly away and be with her mother, and she also wishes to never grow up and become queen, to take on the responsibilities of an adult.

The songs throughout are beautifully sung by the whole cast, and all original to the script, thanks to Samuel and Tori. Sadly though no soundtrack is on sale, but there are 4 different tracks present on the Soundcloud to be heard by all, and believe me I have listened to the over and over again, especially "Better Than Good."
The thing about this musical is it takes a different approach to the dancing side, having most of its choreography done by Frantic Assembly (The same choreography as Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time). For it seems that there is no dancing at all but movement pieces especially with the people of Sealand, with there swift, sharp military movements, showing there institutional lives, but also the performers who keep Althea in flight, dressed in black and clearly can be seen, but the way the portray Althea's movement, is stunning at one point I actually didn't realise when they went from them moving her, to her being lifted by the wires! they were that good, and I bet the strength they have is far more than many! They even received the loudest applause from the audience at curtain call.
Another interesting fact about Light Princess, is the puppetry used, that were the same company and designers Toby Olie that brought you Joey and the other puppets in Warhorse, and portrayed in the same way that all the animals were like real life, and again you would forget that you were watching a puppet!
So Light Princess brought you all the trimmings when it came to the final product bringing in a little bit of each National Theatre production into one!

Now onto the cast, tonight was the lucky night with no understudies.
Piper-Amy Booth-Steel
Llewelyn - Kane Oliver Parry
Althea- Rosalie Craig
King Darius - Clive Rowe
Digby - Nick Hendrix
 King Ignacio - Hal Fowler
Zephyrus - Ben Thompson
Serjeant-at Arms-Malinda Parris
Falconer - Laura Pitt-Pulford
The most known to this cast would have to be the gentleman playing King Darius, who not only did i recently see in the 50th anniversary of the National Theatre tv tribute on BBC2 singing "Sit Down your Rocking the Boat" from Guys and Dolls, but also he is well known in the old TV show on CBBC Tracy Beaker! But on stage, he was brilliant, and you wouldn't have known that he had a voice on him!
Piper and Llwelyn played by Amy and Kane, opened the show brilliantly with there first Duet, and Amy, with Piper brought what was needed from her role with the great comic moments that were needed to lighten the moods at times, but also the power she showed with the caring she said for Althea really could be seen by the audience. Kane demonstrated the change in the role of Llewlyn from following in his fathers footsteps, yet coming to his senses and doing what was right and supporting his brother at the end to go to his true love. The way it should be.
I loved the voice of Laura Pitt- Pulford in her role of the Falconer, it was mesmerising, and I loved her outfit which she looked amazing in, I would like to think that if I would to be in the amazing show that would be the role I would go for! Plus she gets to play with puppets!
Then there is the couple, Althea played by Rosalie, and Digby played by Nick, Rosalie again with her voice was great! which is one of the reasons I'm continuously listening to "Better than Good" cause it is just that GOOD! I also have to applaud her physical ability and the way she can act through the many lifts that the performers do throughout while she herself has to maintain the role and show that she is not phased by being thrown about, or swung in the air, I suppose at the end of the day it does seem a lot of fun! how many people can say that there job is hanging upside down, and or not touching the ground in a play? not many I can tell you that! Nick is also very good for the eyes in a ladies sense bare in mind, which leaves you to understand that attraction Althea has for him, but when he sings to her when they finally meet, all you want is to have him singing it to you, and all you want to do is be swimming with him in the lake! I know I did! but still the role of the hero, and prince charming of the fairy tale was brilliantly portrayed by Nick, and I loved watching him throughout!
Sadly this performance is no longer performing at the National, and at the moment there seems to be not much sign of it moving to a theatre in the West End, so if you got to see it, I hope it had the same effect on you as it did me! But if you didn't get the chance to see it, then where were you? You really missed out on an amazing new and visually stunning performance. If by any luck it does come back and show its amazing face to the West End I will be first in line to see it again! 


Sunday 26 January 2014

Welcome 2014! - an overlook of 2013.

Welcome viewers to 2014, I know that I am 26 days late to wish you this. But this week I am starting my first theatre trip of 2014, so I thought I would do a quick blog of my theatre land of 2013.

I did go and see Dickens Abridged a 2nd time with my mate before it closed, and before the new year, but as it was a week after I saw it the last time, I choose not to review it by blog, though this time I got to see Kit Orton perform, and was on fit form after having time off for his bad throat!

So with that last viewing of 2013, I was lucky to have gone to see 19 shows! Just the thought of that is just mad, and I am so thankful for all those opportunities. Highlights, I suppose would be that I finally saw Les Miserable on stage, and with that met all the cast, I was so excited and it really is an amazing show! then there is the fact that because of all these trips I know have 6 West End Stars following myself and twitter, and actually befriended one on Facebook, chuffed to say the least is an understatement. I also still love the fact that Jon Robyn's still recognises me, when he see's him! I'm already planning on seeing him on the 16th February for a concert that he is performing solo! But I also hope I get to see him perform in a musical at some point this year! But along with those highlights the shows I was able to see this year, were all amazing! its scary to think that at the end of this year, I most likely will not be able to display them on my bed.

I can also state that a highlight this year will be myself making sure that I keep up my blogs on this site. ok yes some of them have been quite late after I have seen the show, but they always will be on here when I get round to doing it. It has really helped me express my love for theatre, and the fact that I have over 2,000 views is more than I could have asked for!

With 2013 over and 2014 here, what does this year have in store for myself? Well on Tuesday I will be venturing to my favourite city London, and for the first time I will be entering the National Theatre to go and see there production of "The Light Princess" the reviews say that its amazing and I haven't heard anything negative about it so far, so before it closes on the 2nd February I had to find someone, and purchase tickets! Looking forward to see what the National has created now would be nice to see a musical having seen two plays that they have created! (Curious, and WarHorse) I have also purchased tickets to go and see Harry Hill's "I Can't Sing, The X Factor Musical" at the London Palladium in March during its previews! Looking forward to finally seeing Simon Lipkin performing with a muppet again! :)

That is the 2 theatre tickets I have purchased so far, but I am hoping this year, and my want to see view list is:
Book of Mormon
We Will Rock You (to see Oliver again!)
Les Miserable - please!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
WestEnd Eurovsion once again!
Those are priority, but I'm sure there should be new ones appearing that I would love to go and see and get tickets and no doubt you will be reading it for your pleasure to assist you in what you would like to see.
I leave you now with my programme collection through the beginning and end of 2013, and you can dramatically see the difference!


Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Shakespeare Was Good, But Charles Was Better!" - Dicken's Abridged, Arts Theatre, London. 14.12.13

After hearing the news of Jon Robyns ending his run as Sir Galahad in Spamalot, I will be honest and was quite upset, but before he left he announced that he and Kit Orton (Sir Lancelot) would be part of the Cast of Comedy Dickens Abridged, well I was sold, and after my friend has received a tweet from Jon himself, saying you will have to come and see me in Dicken's,...10 mins after she had bought the Tickets and on a busy Saturday 14th December in London, it was off to be entertained!
Tonight's show was performed at The Arts Theatre, which is near by to Leicester Square, I had past it many times in my many journeys to London, so I was kind of intrigued to see what it was like. It was small but then where it was based it didn't feel like a big theatre, but then I've been surprised before. We were based in the stalls, and of course Row A seats 8 and 9 coming up at the price of 39.50, and our view was pretty good to say the least!

The set was quite simplistic with 4 huge books placed on the sides of the stage, and small books stacked up here and there, on stage left there was a piano also, throughout these books were used as sets, and props for instance David Copperfield was opened up to reveal Charles' Bed, Oliver Twist was the grand entrance for one scene, and A Tale of Two Cities...brought a sad end to one scene.  The small books stacked up were compartments for props, wardrobe, and other surprises, kind of like Mary Poppins you didn't know what they were going to produce next! the simplistic set allowed the audience to focus a lot of the cast, and i'm glad they did keep it simple!

Being called Dicken's Abridged and with the poster having Charles Dickens placed right in the centre, its pretty easy to tell that this musical play is in fact based around Charles Dickens life and the novels he wrote, with a twist however...for within this 90 min performance along with the life story of Charles himself, was I believe 8 classic stories that Charles had written. How this was told was through many new and creative songs, which the actors sung, and played there own instruments to play the music, (I think the best thing about this show was because of this, and the performers didn't even have microphones! there was something that was just traditional with that to me). I could tell I was going to be viewing something totally different and from the first number The Ballad of Charles Dickens which stated from the very beginning Shakespeare was good, but Charles was Better! It confirmed my theory, what is also funny about particular line is, the director of the show is a creator of The Reduced Shakespeare Company if you see what I mean? The show flowed throughout, and sometimes you didn't know who was going and who was coming on, but when they did appear they would be someone very different! How they did it that fast! Totally Mystery! Now in between the telling of Charles Dicken's life they performed the stories, the Stories such as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Nicholas Nickleby, and Christmas Carol were performed with a few scenes for each, and stories like Bleak House, Little Dorrit, and The Old Curiosity Shop were a simple yet comical performance of Balladeer (Gerrad Carey), he simply walked along the stage stood by the isle played his guitar and in a 30 -60 sec song he produced the synopsis of those very tales, and then walked off, leaving the audience laughing.  The best thing about this show was that throughout you could tell that the small cast were really enjoying themselves, I was rather jealous! But they them two brought the audience in, and made you thoroughly enjoy your evening. 

I was also quite cheeky at the end of Act 1, as Charles Dickens shows a newspaper and then flings it into the air, which that night had landed hanging off the stage, when they walked off and it just layed there I couldn't help but think I WANT I slipped it off the stage, and had a gander and what it said, then a quick photo, however during this photo the stage hand came out and looked on the guessed it, I bowed my head in embarrassment and passed it back to her...I really didn't take it honest...then pose for a photo...but having shared it on Twitter and their Facebook page it got quite a bit of publicity! including retweets, and comments and a share from the Director himself! So I guess I could say TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Now as I have before the cast was very small, and Dickens was performed by 5 Actors:
Gerrard Carey - Oliver Twist, Tiny Tim, and Others
Matthew Hendrickson - Mr. Warren, Mr. Micawber, and Others
Damian Humbly - Charles Dickens and Others
Kit Orton - The Artful Dodger, David Copperfield, and Others
Jon Robyns-Fagin, Scrooge, and Others
Sadly tonight Kit Orton was unwell, and at the beginning of the performance Adam Long, walked to centre stage to tell the news of Kit not performing that night, and in his place would be himself instead, the audience clapped and cheered, which led Adam saying "ha, lets see if you will still be doing that after!" Now Adam Long was the writer and director of this show, and a founding member of the Reduced Shakespeare company, in the beginning of the program he explains the idea's that created the show, from his memories of Christmas where his friends that he grew up with "Hippies, Punks, bikers, and computer programmers would hire the Cow Palace exhibition hall in San Francisco and transform it into the streets of Dickensians London" people would then buy tickets and would dress as their favourite Dickens Character and walk down these created streets, "there would be Dickensian Crafts for Sale, Dickensian Food and drink, Dickensian music and dancing" it is a tradition that continues to this day. Then through his memories of these events and singing Knocking on heavens door with these fellow friend blended in to then create Dicken's Abridged, "Its a mash-up of California, and Dickens: The Grateful Dead, meets The Ghost of Christmas Past...with a touch of Mars Brothers thrown in for good measure. (which now explains why throughout the cast speak in an American accent, yes ok I was a tad slow!)"  Although it was disappointing that Kit was unwell, but watching Adam perform I will say was a treat, and also you could tell the cast were enjoying it too, they even made the cheeky comments about his performance, like when he had a very long and tricky line to make Gerrad quickly came out with "you got there in the end!" You could tell that Adam was very happy with his work, and he should be!
Now being that all the members of the cast perform the many characters of the Charles Dickens novels, including the female roles! Damien was a great Charles Dickens, with great presence when he performed the role, and my word did he really love the bludgering scene of Nancy from Oliver Twist!
Gerrard Carrey was very funny, and a great comedy performer, he always had a very innocent face, and his Catherine Dickens Outburst was Classic! As well as Agnes from David Copperfield! But what I laughed out the best was his Tiny Tim, where his crutch became an electric guitar, you just didn't see it coming! Matthew Hendrickson, Mr Warren's Song was very emotional, performed in a way of a heartbreak break up song in a musical yet this time was just Charles Dickens leaving the Factory for a better life, was a very good start to the show, and then appearing later beside Charles while he lay sick in bed! Jon Robyn's, most of his character's that  he played would either have his guitar on his back, or was sitting at the piano for most of them, and you could tell that he was enjoying every bit of it! When he played Ellen Charles second wife, the Galahad hair flick made an appearance, though not sure if it was as good! and Ellen's dance moves were very good if I do say so myself.  His other roles were also very good, and he defiantly left us in a Christmas mood with him leading the story of Christmas Carol with the role of Scrooge, and the swift change from Top hat with a wig, to Night cap with a Wig! No one suspected a thing!

I did not get a chance to get a photo with everyone, but my programme is well and truly autographed! I was lucky did get one with Gerrard Carrey, and of course my favourite Jon Robyns, who was kind enough to have a chat with us after the show! We even had a quick chat with Adam Long too, and he laughed when I replied it was NOT me that took the newspaper to which he replied "oh that was you!"...oh no they were on to me! but it was all in good humour.

This show at the Arts Centre is only running to the 4th January 2014, and I really want to go again, I feel it is one of the those shows again that every time you go, you will come out seeing something a little bit different then you did the one before, which is why I want to go again...but if you get the chance the GO! but if you didn't you missed out...REALLY missed out!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

"I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By..." - Les Miserables, Queens Theatre, London 2.12.13

So finally after much waiting and patience, my 24th birthday came around, and within my Birthday card from my Mum and Dad, was money, to go towards purchasing tickets for Les Miserables in London, that night I searched the Web, and luckily my friend had the money, cause I found Row C seats 8 and 9 for the 2nd December, they were two good to let by, and I received my confirmed e-mail minutes later! I was Finally going to see Les Miserables and I couldn't have been happier, and it was all I could have asked for, and more!

After a brilliant day in London, feeling festive after going to the Winter Wonderland, and enjoying the fair at leicester square! We walked past M&M world, and down the road that led to the Queens Theatre, a quick search of the Stage door and then we waited for them to open the doors to front of house. This was my first time of course at the Queens Theatre, and I will admit I was surprised at how small it was, and our seats as I said before Row C seats 8 and 9 costing £72.15 (I was thankful for my parents to give me the money towards these seats, Les Miserables is constantly on high demand having full houses for most of their performances, so it is highly unlikely that you would find good cheap seats unless you queue for day tickets at the theatre, or await if there has been any cancellations), the view was not one to be complained about and we were able to see everything that was happening, and no restrictive views! We were that eager to get into our seats, and were the first ones in, and at first the famous logo wasn't on the curtain, but when it appeared the butterflies in my stomach were on high speed!

When the lights dimmed it was show time, and the orchestra was playing, a smile spread across my face, and it didn't leave it till the standing ovation (though moments of tears did come across in some scenes, tissues are advised for this show!)

The scenery for Les Mis, is very simplistic, with the odd props of furniture such as table and chairs, but it is the revolving stage that creates the swift change of scenes, as Les Mis is forever flowing with its beautifully sung music. The only huge bit of staging which is hidden on the sides until it is brought forward in the scenes in Paris, where the wall has been built during the revolution, this wall creates the streets of Paris, and the main setting for the revolution, and when it changes, you forget what it was before. It was just so smooth, and with there being less scenery, it enabled the audience to focus on the characters and the story that was being sung!

The Story of Les Miserable, is created by many stories told though the amazing characters, the main focus is prisoner 24601, who was freed from his 19 years on the chain gang, Javert the head policemen informs him that he will always be a prisoner, which proves true for while he is trying to find a life for himself again, he finds himself one of an outcast, when a Bishop brings him a kind heart, he decides to start his life anew "Who am I? I'm Jean Valjean!" 19 years past since Valjean broke parole, changing his name he becomes quite successful, and mayor, one on the workers of his factory Fantine, who is working to pay for medicines for her daughter, gets wrongly dismissed and is driven to selling her locket, hair, and becomes a whore selling herself to men, but when she gets into a fight with a prospective customer, and is about to be taken prisoner by Javert, Valjean demands that she be taken to hospital.
Valjean, carrying on his kind hearted spree, then rescues a man who was pinned beneath a cart, reminding Javert of the abnormal strength of 24601, who informs the real Valjean that a man has been recaptured in his name, this shakes Valjean who unable to see an innocent man go to prison, confesses that he is the prisoner.  Jean Valjean goes to the hospital where Fantine is on her deathbed, he promises her that he will find and look after her daughter Cosette, when Fantine passes, Javert arrives to arrest Jean Valjean, who pleads that he be allowed to follow his promise to Fantine, Javert does not agree, and they fight, Valjean escapes.
Cosette has been lodged with the Thenardiers, who have been treating her badly, while they indulge their own daughter Eponine with toys and dresses, Jean Valjean arrives and pays the Thenardiers to allow him to take Cosette away, and raise her as his daughter.
9 years pass, and in the city of Paris unrested as the likely demise of the popoular leader General Lamarque, the only man who is left in the government who shows any feeling for the poor. Thenardier have now become living on the streets, and set on Jean Valjean and Cosette, who are rescued by Javert, who luckily does not recognise he is who he is searching for.
Eponine who with her family now living on the street, but is friends, and secretly in love with student Marius, she reluctantly agrees to assist him in finding Cosette to whom he saw in the streets and has fallen in love with her at first site.
With the loss of Gernal Lamarque, a group of politically-minded students go out into the streets, to find support for the revolution.
Elsewhere Cosette is forever thinking of Marius, whom she has fallen in love with as well. Eponine finds Cosette and brings Marius to her.  While she is there she prevents an attempt by her fathers gang to rob Valjean's house. Which led Valjean to believe it is Javert after him, and tells Cosette that they must flee the country to be safe, "ONE DAY MORE"
The students build the barricade. Noticing that Eponine had joined the insurrection, Marius sends her away with a letter to Cosette, which gets intercepted by her ValJean.  Eponine goes and decided to rejoin her love at the barricade.
With the barricade built, and the revolutionaries defy an army warning to give up or die, Javert is exposed as the police spy. Then on returning to the barricade, Eponine is shot and is killed in the arms of Marius, who finds the true feelings in the song of "A Little Spot of Rain"
Valjean joins the barricade in search of Marius. He is given the chance to kill Javert but instead lets him go. The students settle, and in the quiet of the night, Valjean prays to god to save Marius, "Bring him home."  The next day the rebels are all killed.
Valjean however escapes into the sewers with an unconscious Marius, while trudging through them they come across Thenardier, who is robbing the corpses of the dead, and then after Valjean comes across Javert, and pleads once more for time to take Marius to hospital. Javert lets him go, and unbending the principles of justice now shattered by Valjean's mercy, he kills himself.
Marius now recovering unaware of whom rescued him from the barricade, is left to mourn for the loss of his friends though the song "Empty Chairs, and Empty Tables."  with the care from Cosette he recovers well, and Valjean confesses the truth of his past to Marius, and insist that he must leave.
During the wedding of Cosette and Marius, the Thenardiers try to blackmail Marius, saying that Cosette's father murdered, and with proof of a ring which he stole from Marius in the sewers leads Marius to realise that it was Valjean who rescued him that night .  He takes Cosette to go to Valjean, where she learns for the first time her own history, before Valjean passes and join Fantine, and Eponine in heaven.

This very story is told throughout through song, and it is beautifully done, and I was blown away!

Who is it that sings this production, but an amazing talented cast, and this night was played by:
Jean Valjean - Chris Holland (understudy)
Javert - Tam Mutu
Fantine - Na-Young Jeon
Thernadier- Cameron Blakly
Madame Thernadier - Wendy Ferguson
Eponine- Carrie Hope Fletcher
Cosette-Jade Davies (understudy)
Enjolras - Niall Sheehy (understudy)
Marius - Rob Houchen

Jean Valjean played by understudy Chris Holland, was great, his voice and portrayal of Valjean was heart warming, and you could tell that he was loving what he was doing, I was anxious to hear his Bring Him Home  for having listened to Hugh Jackman sing, and in my opinion ruin the song, i was so happy to have it replaced by Chris, his voice was warming and emotional, LOVED IT! Being an understudy when he left at the stage door he did swiftly walk away, but I just couldn't let my first Jean Valjean walk away and not say hello and thank you. Lucky we caught him and got a photo and signature, he was quite surprised to see us, but thankful also, and responded to my tweet :)
We were lucky that we had Tam Mutu play Javert having been on holiday the week before, and he is so amazingly strong within his role, that when you see him in person you wouldn't believe he was Javert.  He completely took on the role, and his final song was jaw dropping good, and the way they perform his killing of himself is so original (you will have to see it, to understand) He was lovely to chat with and also replied to my tweet :)

Na-Young Jeaon who played Fantine, had me in tears in her finale scene, she was lovely and her voice was beautiful.
Carrie Hope Fletcher played Eponie and the moment she hit the stage, I kept staring at her, and I felt I defiantly know her from somewhere but where I couldn't tell? I looked at the program and she is a YouTuber, band I may have seen her on the interwebs, but only recently did I find out that she is actually sister to Mcfly's Tom Fletcher! so I guess she is the closest im ever going to get to a Mcfly! anyway her performance was great and I LOVED her Eponine, you could again tell that she really loved what she was doing her final song again had me in tears, I didn't want to see her go! She was lovely to meet as well :)
The Two top Students Marius and Enjolras performed by Rob Houchen, and Niall Sheehy the 1st cover understudy.  Im so Jealous of Rob as Les Miserable has marked his first west end Debut and what a show to do it for! You could really tell why, he was a natural, and you fell in love with him, my friend who doesn't usually cry at shows actually broke her during his song Empty Chairs at Empty Tables and it was so moving! Niall Sheehy, I had seen often on twitter by Oliver Tompsett, he was understudy for Fiyero, and also auditioned for Jesus for the Jesus Superstar Arena tour, so it was great to finally see him on stage, and he did not disappoint, he was lovely to talk to not only because of his Irish accent! How he kept his eyes open during the end of the Revolution scene was brilliant!

Last but not least, the Comedy Duo of the Thernadier's, from the moment of Master of the House, or any moment they were on the stage, they lightened up the atmosphere, and had the audience giggling. The ending scene especially was excellent, with the cheeky stealing of the silverware and getting caught, there faces were priceless, and both lovely people to meet!  

So after years of waiting, the night came to an unwanted end, and I finally saw the one musical that I was set on seeing this year, and now I have seen it...yes you guessed it I want to go again and again, and again! However I would like to view it in the circle next time preferably in the front of it, to see the set from high above and see how it differs the experience, I know it means saving the pennies, but I know it will be totally WORTH IT! Les Miserable you were not a disappoint me and I shall be back!

Monday 16 December 2013

"They Live in You! They Live in ME!" - Disney's The Lion King, Lyceum Theatre, London 18.10.13

 In September I was given the invitation to go to the theatre, by my old job and take a good friend to the West end for the first time! After much thought, and a good way to introduce her to London Theatre, we chose to take her to Disney's The Lion King, and the Lyceum Theatre on the 18th October for the evening performance.

The Lyceum Theatre from the very beginning is a stuning theatre, with the beautiful tall pillars and the many signs of Mufasa's face, and inside is just as beautiful.

This was my third time seeing this show, the first was during the time I lived in America, and saw it on Broadway, however I have seen the show here before at the Lyceum, which was a couple of years before this showing, I was seated up in the upper circle quite centre, and the view up there was great to see everything yet sometimes it was quite limited, and the common £1 binoculars were bought to see some of the performers. Tonight's showing however I was based in the stalls Row R seat 13, which was located to the right of the stage in the Aisle with another aisle in front. Our view of the stage was great and the bonus of being in the aisle made the experience so enjoyable! I was so lucky to have paid only £32.50 for my seat, bust usually this seat would cost in the £60, its a top selling show and not often on offer except the ones that you would purchase if you were paying for a meal and top price tickets, and normally £32.50 tickets are those up in the Upper Circle which are perfectly fine.

As I said being in the Aisle is a great spot especially in the stalls, as from the beginning of the Lion King you are a brought into the African plains during the "Circle of Life" as the song is sung, the animals parade down the aisle, we were placed in the aisle of the Rhinosauraus, (in the other was the Elephant) and the birds, and had the Springbok, walk in front of us. You couldn't help but smile, and be amazed at how the animal puppetry just brought them to life, and sometimes couldn't tell the difference! The aisle was also used many times to 'Break' the fourth wall, during the song "Be Prepared" I completely forgot it was used until the Hyena's came snapping at us, and we also had young Simba run past, after escaping the stampede.

So if you want the full effect I recommend going to see the show in the Stalls, to see the Animals, or the first rows of the Circle I have heard are also a great view.

The Lion King, is one of Disney's top grossing films, which was loved by many and still to this day my favourite Disney Film.  It was one of the first animated films to get an Oscar! The story is the tale of a New born king to be, Son of Mufasa and Sarabi, the King and Queen of the Pridelands, Simba. However the jealousy of the Kings Brother Scar, turns to revenge and murder, as he murders his brother and blames Simba, who runs away from the Pridelands. Scar believing that his hyena sidekicks, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, killed Simba, places himself as King of the Pridelands, however Simba escapes and takes himself to jungle where he meets the two comic characters of Timon and Pumbaa, a meerkat, and a warthog, who had turned there back on the World, and live there life the 'Hakunna Matata" way "it means No worries." While Simba carries on the Hakunna Matata way back in the Pridelands all is not well with the Hyenas eating everything and driving the animals out, the Lions are left to starve and it is Nala, a childhood friend of Simba to go and find help. She finds Simba who helps him see that he is the Future king, with a little help from Rafiki (the amazing baboon) and the spirit of this father Mufasa, he returns and takes what is his from his Lying Uncle, and becomes the true King of Priderock!
Now does this story kind of, sort of sound familiar? Well after a big debate with my old English teacher, but it has been proven and is true that The Lion King is based on Shakespeare's play Hamlet, you know brother of king, murders him to get the thrown, and then the son is to go and get revenge on his uncle to get the thrown back...minus obviously Scar marrying Sarabi, and everyone dying at the end, yes it is pretty much the Story!

Now the story may have been influenced by a famous play, but having studied this production for my university dissertation 2 years ago, I was aware from the very beginning that Julie Taymor, the Director, and creator of all the puppets, and visuals wanted the Lion King to present not the story itself but HOW the story was told, and if I do say so myself she truly pulled it off. Having loved the animated film, while watching this production, you don't just wow at the story, as I myself no off by heart the script! (my sister and I used to recite it at the back of the car on many family outings) but I was blown away by the sets, and the puppets, and how the were shown, you truly cannot take your eyes off the stage, and because of that the experience of this show is amazing! The great thing about it, is it is the costumes that create the scenes, with the simplistic staging behind of maybe the sun rising, or a small change in the lighting, drawing yourselves into the many animals, and foliage that the actors portray, it truly is beautiful, and so thought out.

Now onto the Actors, I myself was not aware of anyone who was performing in this production, the cast was as follows.
Rafiki - Nteliseng Nikela
Mufasa-Shaun Escoffery
Sarabi - Gemma Knight Jones
Zazu - Mark McGee (2nd understudy)
Scar - Andy Mace (Understudy)
Shenzi - Sarah Amankwah
Banzai - Taofique Folarin
Ed - Hugo Barista (Understudy)
Timon - Jaime Golding (Understudy)
Pumba - Keith Brookman
Simba - Jonathan Andrew Hume
Nala - Melina M'Poy
We did have many understudies this night, but it didn't matter, because as long as they created the character is was a success. Ntelising was brilliant as the amazing comic Rafiki, making the audience laugh, even though at some points they were not aware of what she was saying. Shaun's Mufasa was strong and powerful, and suited his role well! with the deep voice that only Mufasa can have! Zazu was portrayed by the second understudy who usually portrays the comic character of Ed, but tonight Mark was on top form as Zazu, as although Rowan Atkinson is the voice in the animated film, its great to see different portrayals of this character, and I love how they break Character at the end of "I just can't wait to be King" where he asks "Where is my bird?" Andy Mace played the role of Scar, and I'm sorry I really didn't enjoy him as the villain, I don't think he put his all in, and with the amazing lines that scar produces in the show and found him quite stiff in parts that he could really have stolen the show with, he didn't do Scar Justice, I preferred the lead actor of the role George Asprey when I first saw the show in London.

The trio of Hyena's were good, and I am always surprised that they cut down a lot of there roles, having shortened "Chow Down!" and the "Madness of Scar" songs in the London production I feel that the Hyena's don't get the great comic moments that they did on the one on Broadway, and sadly they are the two favourite songs. Timon played by Jaime Golding was brilliant! He took Timon in his stride and had get comic timings with the help of Sidekick Keith with Pumba, especially loved the change of rather than Hawaiian dancers at the end, with the introduction to the Irish dancing, complete with Timon in a Irish dress! Genius.

Simba and Nala played by Jonathon, and Melina were a great couple, though I felt that sometimes during the songs they weren't as strong as though I have seen in the past, for Simba "Endless Night" and "He Lives in You (reprise)" those songs are just beautiful, and although his voice was great, I still feel that it could have been stronger, and at the end of "He Lives in You" The finally is where Simba steals the song, but again I didn't feel the same this time.

All in all, Lion King is a performance that I will never get old of, because its just so visually spectacular that it just makes you want to see it more and more, its a childhood memory, and love. It is defiantly one to take your family to, or just go and see to smile, and get lost.  I will be going to see this show again someday, there is no doubt about that!

Monday 11 November 2013

"We eat Jam, and Ham, and SPAM!" - Spamalot, Playhouse Theatre, London 8.10.13

So having just seen Rock of Ages for the third time, I guess it was time to go and see Spamalot for the third time also! Not only because it was a special of 2 for 1 tickets on a Tuesday, but because The Warrick Davis was playing for only a limited time only Patsy! Then after I bought the tickets I found out that it would also be part of the last weeks of Jon Robyn's run as Sir Galahad! I was so thankful that he was playing that night, and I got a cuddle later on!

So again im not going to go through the whole story line of the show and the venue that can be found on my first review Here, however with the deal being 2 for one myself and my mate Jessica had central stall tickets for G14 and 15, they had a great view, however those that sit in front could get in the way and I was finding myself moving from side to side to get a look in, in parts of the show! but for 29.75 each I wasn't complaining (I think the deal is going on still now! So go buy!)

The cast tonight was brilliant no understudies whatsoever!

King Arthur - Les Dennis
Lady of the Lake- Bonnie Langford
Patsy - Warrick Davis
Sir Bedevere - Robin Armstrong
Sir Robin - Rob Delaney
 Prince Herbert - Adam Ellis
Sir Lancelot - Kit Orton
Sir Galahad - Jon Robyns
I suppose the first person I should talk about who was new to the cast is THE Warrick Davis, Oh my god!! he was made for the role! he was brilliant!! he had the timing, the moves and amazingly the voice! (sings always look on the bright side of life!) just everything you could want for Patsy, and what was brilliant is they just laughed with him with his height, the bit with the shrubbery, where he was struggling to lift it, and in the end, he just dropped it pulled a handle out of it and then just rolled it off like a carry on suitcase! LOVED IT! He looked like he was enjoying himself so much up there, and loving working with the cast, he even made fun of Les when he had to sing his we are know longer the knights who say Ni! "Even I have to admit sir...that was embarrassing!" Having known Warrick as a massive film star mainly Star Wars, and for me Harry Potter, it was such a blast to get to meet him at the end at the stage door and get a photo. Now I have met two professors in the wizard world! Professor Umbridge, and now Professor Flitwick!!
Warrick Davis
Then there was the new cast Bonnie Langford, a west end star, and returning to play the Lady of the Lake, she was as she is a WEST END STAR, she really knows how to bring a character to life, and not just through her voice but her facial expressions! Her What ever happened to my Part was such a highlight, as she took centre stage! Les Dennis, totally forgot how good his voice was, having forgotten that I have seen him before perform in Legally Blonde the musical at the Mayflower Theatre! He was a great enjoyment as King, and although his Knights who say Ni was 'Embarrassing' its great to see him also getting in with the cast and just laughing with themselves and the audience.

Les Dennis
Bonnie Langford
Adam Ellis
I will admit that I missed Graham McDuff at the performance, as I will always loved his Lancelot, but Kit Orton was very funny also, and not to shappy in his little Lancelot pants (you will have to see the show for that) but the other group, Robin, and Rob, and Adam all the great character they were the 2nd time around, and even got a quick photo with Adam at the stage door, but like I said I am so pleased that every time I have been to see the show Jon Robyn's has played Galahad! He is a lovely guy, and a terrific actor, and im not sure if this is bad or good, but to me its amazing! Because of the fact that he actually remembers me and is happy to give me two cuddles to get a nice photo!

Jon Robyns!
Warrick, Kit, Bonnie, Les, and Jon have all now ended there run with Spamalot, at the moment Carley Stenson from Hollyoaks is playing the Lady of the Lake, and the others i'm not too sure, however Dick and Dom are now announced to be playing King Arthur, and Patsy during the Christmas term.
But one thing is for sure, I am off to London on the 14th of December to go and see Jon Robyns, and Kit Orton in Dicken's Abridged, so hopefully another photo and cuddle is on the cards!

Although I myself am not sure if I will go and see the show again, because the memories I have I'm not sure I want to replace, but all the same Spamalot is such a great show! So go and get tickets and be prepared to laugh out loud!