So it was a given, after months of not seeing the show, and a Theatre Offer and seats that could not be refused, I was off to the loudest Theatre in London! Garrick Theatre, to see for the 3rd time Rock of Ages.
When I bought these tickets a few days later they announced that it was closing on November 2nd, I was so thankful that I got the chance to see this amazing show, 3 times, with the amazing cast that it had, it will be truly missed on the West End, but already Twitter is announcing a Tour...and I'm hoping that means a trip down to Southampton Mayflower at some point next year....maybe?
To finish off the lovely Bank Holiday weekend in the month of August, myself and 2 good friends took ourselves to London, we walked about Covent Garden, and then I took them to their first trip to Harrods (As I couldn't believe that they had both not have gone there, and 1 friend even worked there!!). We then enjoyed the 50% off food at the Slug and Lettuce and chilled out at Trafalgar Square, we walked up to the Garrick Theatre to prepare to be Rocked!
This time I remembered from last time to get seats that weren't under the circle, and we managed to get seats B 7,8,9 and that meant we were dead centre of the row and a perfect view from the stage! And it just felt good because they only cost us £35.50!!
Now I have already explained the venue and what the storyline of this Musical is, in my first blog
here, So I wont go into detail again, this blog is based on the performers and this time round I had some new faces and some old :)
So Tonights cast was as follows!
Lonny - Nathan Amzi (understudy)
Drew - Ian McIntosh (Understudy)
Sherrie - Natalie Andreou
Dennis Dupree - Daniel Fletcher
Stacie Jaxx - Tim Howar
Hertz - Rohan Tickell
Franz - Sandy Moffat
Regina - Jodie Jacobs
Joey Primo - Dylan Turner
Justice - Racheal McFarlane
First off I shall do the firsts, now before the show I was aware that Ian McIntosh would be playing Drew that night, having followed him on twitter and that he had placed his dates on a tweet, so I was quite excited! Then during the day, I knew that Simon had been signed off from work due to a trapped muscle and he also confirmed in a tweet that he wasn't on, so I knew Nathan being the first cover would be most likely playing Lonny!
Boy did Nathan really bring the house down! Normally playing the role of the Mayor and Agent of Drew, seeing Nathan shine as Lonny was a great experience, with some liking towards Simon in the role, such as the scarf, he also brought his own characteristics in the performance, from the very beginning, such as the entrance when he slid down the stairs and slammed right into the wall! He had the audience in fits of laughter! Not going to lie also he totally made my night, being so close to the stage, it is clear that the actors can see the audience, and throughout you get small glances from them, but Nathan just topped it all off, cause it was Myself that night that got the invitation to the Dressing room at the interval (didn't mean you get to go, but he Lonny points at you and says "you my Dressing room, 2 Minutes Now!") I was just smiling after that, and apparently you could tell!! Even though I love Simon to bits, it was really nice to see Nathan perform as Lonny, he is a very sweet guy, and it ended with me getting a cuddle, and a follow on Twitter (NO Complaints There!)

Then there was Ian, With Tim Driesen having left for Amsterdam to go and perform as Freddie in Jersey Boys, Ian because the first cover of Drew, and I was so happy because he was AMAZING! He had all the quirks that Drew needed, the shyness, the dopiness, and yet the sexy, sweet guy! I was so excited to also hear his voice belt out all the songs, especially loved Oh Sherrie (That song always will be my favourite!) His Voice was amazing and perfect for Drew, and when listening to him it kind of reminded me of when Oliver is in the role! Loved him and he is such a sweet guy also, Catch him now in The Commitments, at the Palace Theatre playing the role of Deco on Sunday evening performances. (That is one of the list, and wouldn't mind a theatre trip on a Sunday!)

Having seen the show 3 times now it was about time I was honoured with the presence of the lead girl Natalie Andreou who plays Sherrie, and get to see how she performs the role! I wasn't displeased, I was worried at first cause I did have trouble hearing her at the beginning (especially the bit about the where she keeps her money and valuables) but then as it went on it was clearer. She was just great, and i'm so Jealous of her body! But she had the moves, and the voice to be a terrific Sherrie! Im so thankful I got to finally see her before the show ended, and meet her also! :) She was quite surprised it was my first time seeing her! Sadly though she ran away before I could get a photo but I do have that one from West End Eurovision! (she is the one of the far right)
Those were the 3 performers that I had yet to see and I wasn't upset! it just made my last experience seeing the show totally an amazing one! How many times can girl get invited to a dressing room!
As for the rest of the cast, Sandy so pleased that he has played my Franz all the times I've been to the show, it just makes his Franz just the one to remember and Love, and the same goes with Daniel as Dennis, although my first time was Justin Lee Collins, to me he will always be Dennis and he was made for the role, (Though sadly due to his new show Miracle on 34th Street, the EPIC beard is no more! sad times). It was also my second time seeing Tim Howar, as Staciee, and ill admit the first time I wasn't so sure, but the second time around he grew on me, and I enjoyed him more the 2nd time round.
Sandy Moffat, and Dylan Turner Sandwich!
Daniel Fletcher
Tim Howar
Then there is Jodie, and Racheal and Rohan in the roles of Regina, Justice and Hertz, two times seeing Jodie, and Hertz, and Justice I had the pleasure of 3 times :) they were just as good, as the first time around! And a photo with them all is just the icing on the cake!
Jodie Jacobs
Rachel McFarlane
Rohan Tickell
This show will be truly missed in London by the many supporters and Fans it brought. I myself feel lucky to have had the chance to have seen it three times! Like I said though the Venues are starting to be named for the Tour, and if it does make an appearance in Southampton I shall be first to see what it is like there... and will be interesting to see what the cast is going to be too!