After weeks of waiting...ok maybe just 2 weeks, I was going home to London for my first theatre trip of 2014! After a long day at work, and the kindness of my manager I was able to catch the train early and off I went to the big city. Tonight viewing and the opening of my many hopeful trips was to be viewed at The National Theatre, which was my first time experiencing this arena, having been unaware that it was actually made up of 3 stages, tonight's performance was held in the Lyttelton theatre, and if I'm not mistaken is the medium one of the three? It felt like I was walking back into the Barbican, when I first arrived if I do say so myself. What I liked most about this theatre was the price of the tickets were not too extreme, and booking seats to go and see the performance was very easy, as with the assistance of the "view from the seat" which meant that people had placed a photo of their view of the stage so you were able to see which place was best for the value of the ticket you wanted to use. Myself booked tickets for both me and my friend Alanna in the Circle of the Lyttelton in Row E seats 20 and 21, which made us dead centre to the stage, for the price of £34 the view was brilliant, and for the show itself I felt that the higher the view the better you would enjoy the effects of the performance, so my money did not go to waste! However being not such a big theatre, and with a quite simplistic modernise interior, unlike those of the old, historic theatres that we have on the west end, I felt that anywhere you sat in the circle your view would not be restricted in anyway shape or form. Below is a photo of the curtain before the performance started. the portrait on is a non zoomed in version, the Landscape I zoomed in a little to try and get a more detailed view of the map.

I was really excited about viewing this performance, having seen past productions from the National Theatre, 'War Horse' and 'Curious Incident...' I had my high standards up because both of those were amazing, and I was really looking forward to seeing what they can do with a musical!
Boy did they deliver "The Light Princess" Book and Lyrics by Samuel Adamson, and Music and Lyrics by Tori Amos, is a fairytale like no other. The tale of two kingdoms, parted by a dark wildernest. The city of Gold Lagobel, which was rich, but without the presence of H2O, was ruled by a king and queen, who were happy in their kingdom with there son and daughter, though a the queen grew ill, and sadly past. The kingdom which had no water, was finding that the tears of the kingdom would create the rivers, the King (King Darius) and son were left devastated, but the daughter Althea didn't wish to cry, instead she wanted to be close to her mother, and therefore lost her sense of gravity, allowing her to float up into the sky, The kingdom saw this as witchcraft, and did not approve of Althea's approach and floating in the sky, King Darius embarrassed by his daughter, placed her in the tallest tower of Lagobel castle, to remain their with an Orphan Piper, and hide away from the public eye, Althea did not care, for she was happy to be kept away from the kingdom and had no interest in ruling leaving it all to her brother.
On the other side of the forest was the city of Sealand, whom craved the riches of Lagobel, but was also as the name states surrounded by water. This city too was also ruled by a king (King Ignacio) and queen, with their two sons. One day while sailing the river the queen, was pushed/fell into the river and died. The King Ignacio, who driven by the need of the gold from Lagobel did not grieve, along with his son Liewelyn, but Digby his other son, cried, and never smiled, the only friend he had was a falconer who gave him his best friend a falcon named Zephyrus, who he tamed, and cared for.
The envy of Lagobel drove King Iganacio wild and led his army to fight, with Lagobel still morning for their queen their weakness showed, and so led to the assassination of the prince, and Lagobel with only one heir. King Darius informs Althea that she is to be queen, and forcing her down with the heaviness of the crown, and jewels in hope that she will stay down to the ground, and help lead their kingdom to battle with Sealand. However Althea has other plans, and runs away to the wilderness with Piper, on their journey to the wilderness they see their army waling into battle, further they battle with the dragons that haunt the wilderness, but then they discover the lake, the lake that could save Lagobel with a source of water. Althea claims she will keep the lake a secret, but is interrupted when Zephyrus takes her ribbon which keeps her down and flys her towards Digby and his soldiers. Their meeting however its not what one would expect.
Digby amazed by what he is seeing of Althea, (who is prepared to fight by any means) becomes enlightened by her, and for the first time smiles, and by the seems of things falls for her, with Althea close behind. The two end of a kiss before the two army's collide and fight, pulling away the couple.
The two are driven by the love that they have for each other, Althea who finds out that she is happy, though her Father unhappy of her disappearing decides to pull out all stops in trying to weight down her daughter, calling in so called experts in their prediction of the diagnosis, which leads her to been given drugs, and forced to eat, it isn't till one gentlemen predicts it is love that would bring her down, that King Darius then goes mad, and arranges for her daughter to marry him, and with doing so, decides to weigh her down, by chaining her legs with gold. Piper horrified with what the King has done, helps Althea escape back into the wilderness, who walks to the lake, and throws herself into it, where she stays.
On the other side on Sealand Digby longs to see Althea again for with her he feels happiness, while the army is leading to war, he ponders for his love and his kingdom, and in the end follows his heart, and with the help of Zephyrus finds Althea in the lake, and dives in after her. They are together at last.
The second act begins with both Althea and Digby, in love it would seem, and enjoying there time in there new place they call "Amphibiava." It all seems so perfect, until Digby suggests they create a home, live outside the lake, and create a family where Althea can be a mother and care. Althea distraught by the idea, fights against Digby, who confirms to him that she will never be tied down! Digby angry leaves the lake in time to meet this brother and the Falconer, who was sent by his father to collect him, and kill Althea, Digby still having heart for Althea who is hiding under the current of the Lake tells the Falconer and his brother that she is dead, and return back to his country.
Althea rises from the water, angry yet distraught from what she has witness and what has happened with Digby, but declares she will remain in her Amphibiava...until, Althea notices that the lake is going, and the water is disappearing, the sea life and creatures and plant life dying, she then realises that Digby has told her father about the lake, and doing so the King has produced a dam to stop the water to following to the lake.
Althea grows ill and weak from the water gone, and is found by the army of her kingdom. she is unwell, and this then turns her father to realise what he has done with the help of Piper knocking some sense into him realising that it is because of him that Althea is in this state, and that he has driven her to run away. the King Collapse and bides to stay with Althea until she is well, the doctor confirms that she needs water, if not then they will both die. For Althea is now with child.
Back in Sealand, Digby is being force by his father to again sent war on Lagobel, but also forcing Digby to wed his cousin, the wedding is getting set, but not until Zephyrus brings a letter to Digby's brother informing him of Althea illness and that she is with child. Before the ceremony begins his brother confides in him, informing him of his letter, and what is happening. Digby though torn at first, chooses the correct way, and runs from the ceremony, Althea needs water and that he will get, by knocking down the Dam and letting the water flow to the lake.
Digby success comes at a cost, as the fighting with his father and knocking the Dam leads to him getting shock. Althea now awake from the water that was provided by the lake that the Falconer took when she collected Digby, finds that Digby has knocked the Dam down but also that he has been shot, and is non responsive. she realises how much she care for him and for the first time she cries, and as she cries her H2O she falls to the ground, and at last has gravity. Digby awaits, and finds Althea beside him on the ground, they embrace and find that the Digby's father has died, making Digby king, whom wishes to marry Althea and raise there child with both countries living and working together. Ending the story on a fairytale happy ending.
The story itself has influence from many stories that one could notice in this production. Some for instance the love that should not be between Digby and Althea, very much like the love that should not be between Romeo and Juliet, there is also influence with King Iganacio death, with the blinding of the birds, which can also be seen in King Lear, but also in Cinderella when the birds blind the sisters.
Fairytales completely influence this story and regularly pop up, such as Snow white is requested to be told when Althea is in the tower, but you can also see the connection the Althea has with Peter Pans tale, that she herself would like to fly away and be with her mother, and she also wishes to never grow up and become queen, to take on the responsibilities of an adult.
The songs throughout are beautifully sung by the whole cast, and all original to the script, thanks to Samuel and Tori. Sadly though no soundtrack is on sale, but there are 4 different tracks present on the Soundcloud to be heard by all, and believe me I have listened to the over and over again, especially "Better Than Good."
The thing about this musical is it takes a different approach to the dancing side, having most of its choreography done by Frantic Assembly (The same choreography as Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time). For it seems that there is no dancing at all but movement pieces especially with the people of Sealand, with there swift, sharp military movements, showing there institutional lives, but also the performers who keep Althea in flight, dressed in black and clearly can be seen, but the way the portray Althea's movement, is stunning at one point I actually didn't realise when they went from them moving her, to her being lifted by the wires! they were that good, and I bet the strength they have is far more than many! They even received the loudest applause from the audience at curtain call.
Another interesting fact about Light Princess, is the puppetry used, that were the same company and designers Toby Olie that brought you Joey and the other puppets in Warhorse, and portrayed in the same way that all the animals were like real life, and again you would forget that you were watching a puppet!
So Light Princess brought you all the trimmings when it came to the final product bringing in a little bit of each National Theatre production into one!
Now onto the cast, tonight was the lucky night with no understudies.
Piper-Amy Booth-Steel
Llewelyn - Kane Oliver Parry
Althea- Rosalie Craig
King Darius - Clive Rowe
Digby - Nick Hendrix
King Ignacio - Hal Fowler
Zephyrus - Ben Thompson
Serjeant-at Arms-Malinda Parris
Falconer - Laura Pitt-Pulford
The most known to this cast would have to be the gentleman playing King Darius, who not only did i recently see in the 50th anniversary of the National Theatre tv tribute on BBC2 singing "Sit Down your Rocking the Boat" from Guys and Dolls, but also he is well known in the old TV show on CBBC Tracy Beaker! But on stage, he was brilliant, and you wouldn't have known that he had a voice on him!
Piper and Llwelyn played by Amy and Kane, opened the show brilliantly with there first Duet, and Amy, with Piper brought what was needed from her role with the great comic moments that were needed to lighten the moods at times, but also the power she showed with the caring she said for Althea really could be seen by the audience. Kane demonstrated the change in the role of Llewlyn from following in his fathers footsteps, yet coming to his senses and doing what was right and supporting his brother at the end to go to his true love. The way it should be.
I loved the voice of Laura Pitt- Pulford in her role of the Falconer, it was mesmerising, and I loved her outfit which she looked amazing in, I would like to think that if I would to be in the amazing show that would be the role I would go for! Plus she gets to play with puppets!
Then there is the couple, Althea played by Rosalie, and Digby played by Nick, Rosalie again with her voice was great! which is one of the reasons I'm continuously listening to "Better than Good" cause it is just that GOOD! I also have to applaud her physical ability and the way she can act through the many lifts that the performers do throughout while she herself has to maintain the role and show that she is not phased by being thrown about, or swung in the air, I suppose at the end of the day it does seem a lot of fun! how many people can say that there job is hanging upside down, and or not touching the ground in a play? not many I can tell you that! Nick is also very good for the eyes in a ladies sense bare in mind, which leaves you to understand that attraction Althea has for him, but when he sings to her when they finally meet, all you want is to have him singing it to you, and all you want to do is be swimming with him in the lake! I know I did! but still the role of the hero, and prince charming of the fairy tale was brilliantly portrayed by Nick, and I loved watching him throughout!
Sadly this performance is no longer performing at the National, and at the moment there seems to be not much sign of it moving to a theatre in the West End, so if you got to see it, I hope it had the same effect on you as it did me! But if you didn't get the chance to see it, then where were you? You really missed out on an amazing new and visually stunning performance. If by any luck it does come back and show its amazing face to the West End I will be first in line to see it again!