Wednesday 2 January 2013

Don't Forget ME

I've been listening to 'Don't Forget Me' for a little while but then I go on to listen to 'A Thousand and One Nights' and then I just go on and on finding songs that make me feel better about myself and put me in a better mood.

The one main theme in them all...they all have to do with Broadway and West End.

My first experience of theatre was Andrew Lloyd Webbers 'Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dream coat.' I was aged 4 and my parents have told me time and time again that they were afraid on how I would behave.  To their amazement I sat still and was quiet until curtain call, little did they know how much it would have an impact on my life, well later in it anyway.

Cause truth be told I wasn't always this passionate about the theatre until I guess I caught the bug, when living in New Jersey, United States, I decided to take an extra curricular to do something after school and to learn something new, I choose the school play and very lucky got a part (was an added one but still I was on stage!) and from then I have gone on to get a GCSE, A Level, and a BA(Hons) degree in Drama. 

But returning back to theatre, while still in New Jersey, I was privileged to have the opportunity to go and see The Lion King, on Broadway...and after seeing it lets say the CD did not get removed from my cd player for quite some time.  But on returning home back to England for my 14th birthday I got to see Queen's and Ben Elton's 'We Will Rock You'...and from then nothing could stop me.

This blog is for me to put my views and experiences of every show I have seen and going to see.  As when I go to the theatre, I just don't go, see, and leave, but studying theatre and seeing theatre I have become aware of those performers that may not be A listers but are famous on the West End and only theatre goers truly know how amazing they can be, Oliver Tompsett, Julie Atherton, Simon Lipkin, Jon name a few, though to some they may just be names but to me they are idols (cheesy I know). But the end of the show I must admit I take myself to the Stage Door and have photos and autographs in need. its just great to meet the person that has provided you with the performance :)

I am the only one who really loves the theatre in my family though they do go time to time, last year I went to 9 theatre shows, tours and west end, and this year I hope to see more :) this blog is a chance for me to get my reviews of the performances and demonstrate my views on theatre, having written a dissertation on the effects that theatre can have on the human body compared to that of a film, I am aware of just exactly what can be achieved from being in an audience and waiting for that curtain to rise and present the first number!

you may enjoy it you may not, but writing down these memories will help me remember and show just what the theatre can give me, and who knows I may help others to choose what they might like to see, or view something in a different way of that of what they thought before.

below is my so far collection of programs that I have collected through the years, sadly I never got the program for my first theatre experience, but it shows that of what I will be reviewing and talking about in later posts. :) minus recent theatre visit of pantomime Jack the Beanstalk : )

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