Friday 21 June 2013

Overview. Halfway Through the Year.

So it has come to the 6 month of this 2013 year, and I am quite lucky to have seen some amazing shows so far! my next blog which is in process right now, is Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Cats' but I just wanted to do an overview of all the various shows I have seen, and one way to show it is my collection of programmes.

At the beginning of this blog I posted a photo of my collection on my bed,

and yes it looks like quite a few...but lets have a look at the latest photo I have taken recently...minus my recent programmes from Cats.
Safe to say its quite a difference from before, and much more busy, its getting harder to put them on my bed! going to have to find a new place to view them!! but they are all kept safe under my bed.
So I hope you are all enjoying my blogs, as I am writing them, its nice to get out how I feel about these shows and express how they impact on myself. So thanks for reading, and I hope that at the end of the year, this collection isn't going to be on my bed but taking over somewhere else! With New Programmes of shows, new and maybe ones to see again! (hopefully Les Miserable! I will see that show!!)
So thank you and watch this blog for Cats the Musical on Tour!! :) 

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