Sunday 6 October 2013

Go, Go, Go JOSEPH! - Jospeh and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The King's Theatre, Portsmouth. 8.07.13

So my parents were away for 2 weeks and just searching through Travelzoo I come across a deal I could not past off! For travelzoo were offering better than half price tickets for Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, playing at the Kings theatre!

So on Thursday 8th August, myself and a friend took ourselves down to Portsmouth South sea to the Edwardian style, The Kings Theatre. This was both mine and my friends first time to this theatre, and I wasn't sure what to expect, the area for the theatre is not really one you would imagine, but either way inside was clean and very Edwardian, with the amazing Travelzoo we were seated in row B seats 30 and 31 in the grand circle, selling at the price of £13.50 originally £32.50, which was very good view, as you can see from below.
The interesting thing about this circle was it only consisted of 5 rows, below were the stalls, and above the upper circle which I believe had more than 5 rows. So in my opinion anywhere you sat in the circle you were at perfect height and good view for all to see. I am currently unaware of what views are like from the upper circle and stalls, as this is the first time a production has attracted me to come to this particular Theatre, but who knows what new will come to the stage here.
As you are aware from my first ever entry to this blog, Joseph was my first ever theatre production I have seen on stage, and yes I saw the one with the great Jason I myself just remember little snippets from my first show, having been only 4, but then it was a newish musical, now it seems to be Joseph is one for the kids to see.
Joseph, is based on the bible story telling the tale of Joseph and his eleven jealous brothers, as Joseph was the favourite son of father Jacob. However Joseph does not help within his group of brothers as Joseph tells his brothers all about his dreams, and how they always seem to involve around the idea that his brothers in the future will one day bow down to him, it is easy to see why they lose their patience after Jacob buys him a multi-coloured coat, it just puts the icing on the cake for the brothers.  They go off and plan the ending of Joseph and his dreams, they plan to throw him in a pit, to which they did, but it wasn't enough, not until a hairy crew comes riding by, and the brothers "in a flash" change their plans, for "we need cash, lets sell him if we can"
So Joseph goes on to Egypt to be sold to be a slave, and he does get bough by Potiphar, one of Egypts Millionaires "Having made a fortune buying shares in Pyramids" Though a cruel world, Joseph found he likes is master, and worked hard, which led Potiphar to see that he was cut above the average and made him leader of the house hold.  However Joseph wasn't just the eye of his master but the eye of his masters unfaithful wife, who fancies Joseph, and lure him to his chambers, much against Josephs will, she continues, to the point that Potiphar finds her straddling Joseph and orders his guards to send him locked in jail.
Here Joseph resides in his cell, worried just certain of his future "Give me a number instead of my name, forget all about me and let me decay, I do not matter, im only one person, destroy me completely and throw me away!" Although it seems that his luck is out, though the dreams he spoke of to his brothers start to show their true meaning, when Joseph finds himself no longer alone in Jail and accompanied by two of the Pharaohs servants, the butler, and baker, in the cells they tell joseph of their dreams which they do not understand, and afraid that they will never see the light of sun again.  They each take turn in speaking their dream and Joseph gives it a go and interprets them.  The Butler luckily gets told that he will be freed, however the baker sadly has his execution set.
Being the Butler gets set free, when the Pharaoh suffers dreams that bring him worry and sleepless nights, the Butler informs him of Joseph who gets brought to the Pharaoh and gives him piece of mind to tell him what his crazy dream means, and how he can change what future holds for Egypt, and in doing this gets Hires as Pharaohs number two! We see here that Joseph has gone as far as he can go, but as for Josephs brothers...
A famine has spread its days around the canaan and the brothers and Jacob are finding it hard to live, they even start to miss Joseph's dreams, they decided to go to Egypt, in hope that they will help them and give them food, little did they know it would be a reunion, but first although the brothers do not recognise him while they bow before him (see his dream is true) Joseph decides to teach his brothers a lesson one more time, and plants a cup in one of the bags of food he provides for his brothers. His brothers grovel and fight for the youngest brother Benjamin, proving that he is innocent, and proving to Joseph they are not honest men, and reveals himself to his brothers. The brothers bring Jacob to Egypt and so ends a happy ever after.
This Show is really a true musical, as this story above is told throughout in song, there is no spoken words in his show, only lyrics and singing. (very Andrew Lloyd Webber). Now when I saw this show it was done with care and passion, and now I feel that the only audience they wish to attract is children and familys, as much as I love this musical this was not a favourite production, yes it was good entertainment, but I feel now that they really have turned it into a big joke in some parts, making it childish and immature (such as the sign with the question mark, and then the AH over Josephs head) I just felt a little bit heart broken sometimes. but nevertheless I highly recommend this show now for families with young children, and I myself would most likely wont be seeing this show again until I have children.  Now I see why it was my first, and maybe it was that silly when I was little, how can I know.
The setting was basic, have two sets of steps where the children's choir sat throughout, but enough space for the performers to climb, with a small performance space on the ground and a little one at the top, the backgrounds would change to set the place, for example the canaan days, and then when they go to Egypt there is Pyramids in the background. the thing with this setting being basic it really gave you the opportunity to watch the performers and focus on their dancing, I do thing that the probably could have been more thought out, as the funniest thing ever was when the sheep made an appearance and were inflated only half made it fully up, leaving some leaning or face down on the ground!
Now the cast for the production was a bit of a surprise, having booked the Tickets, the show revealed that it would be the Ian Watkins, known better as H from music pop band Steps.  Though earlier this was not the case, and instead Ian's understudy would be playing Joseph during its run at the Kings Theatre, and I think this was rather cheeky of the promoters and myself and my friend were looking forward to seeing H perform and I feel that they should have informed us when booking the tickets. However nothing could be done so that nights cast was as follows:
Joseph - Rob Wilshaw
Narrator - Jennifer Potts
Jacob/Potiphar - Henry Metcalfe
Pharaoh/Reuben- Luke Jasztal
Benjamin- Benjamin Pomeroy
Butler/Levi - Andrew Bateup
Baker/Judah - Richeard J Hunt
Gad - Michael Ward
Asher-Simon Ouldred
Zebulun - Scott Matson
Simeon - Benjamin Beechey
Issacher - Ross Lee Fowkes
Dan - Sackie Osakonor
Napthali - Callum Fitzgerald
Handmaidens - Jennie Abbotts
Danielle Acors
Meg Astin.
Now just like Cats this is a touring company, and many of the performers I have not seen or met before, however if H had been in it, it may have been different.
Rob Wilshaw as Joseph was very good, he kept the character strong and had a very good voice, and having the lead role that is all singing its a pretty good voice that he had a strong voice.  His body also was not a disappointment either, and having to play Joseph you have to have a nice body, as you do spend most of the show performing in a loin cloth kind of!
Jennifer Potts, from her biography in the programme is mostly seen in pantomimes, you can tell what I attracted her and why she was cast in this role, the narrator is always on stage, and sings throughout the whole performance, Jennifer though I fell that her pantomime background made her the sweet friendly narrator who tells the story to the chorus (primary school choir) however I feel that her voice wasn't a strong one, and she could of done so much better! This role one of my dream roles, and would love to maybe one day, even if it is just once to play her one day, as I have known all the lyrics to here song since I was 10 it would be a dream come true!
Those were the two main characters throughout the show, the brothers double up into different portrayals of characters whether it be the brothers, or the pharaoh's guards, or the handmaidens being the wives, and dancers they were all a great professional bunch and the thing with this show is you have to be able to dance, and sing! (very much like Cats, and again very Andrew Lloyd Webber) I enjoyed watching a different brother each song, just to see how they would perform or portray there character to show a different side to Jacob's son, for instance Benjamin played by Benjamin Pomeroy, you could see that his character though wanting to be accepted by the other brothers, still cared for Joseph as you would see him giving Joseph a hug, or supporting him after the others would make fun.  They each had their own approach and it was fun to see what they had created!
If it wasn't for the Travelzoo deal I may not have seen this show, and I am happy that I got to relive my past, and childhood. Though now I feel that this is going to be a first show I am going to take my children if it is still running that is. But being one of the eldest productions I do recommend that you will need to see this show, and I know its popular for school productions, and I hope one day I get the chance to perform in it maybe one day.


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